Data Explorer
The Data Explorer is a web query tool available for the public to freely access topics of interest concerning the health and well-being of West Virginia and our communities. It is designed to summarize and analyze the important state- and county-level health data from the Mountain State Assessment of Trends in Community Health (MATCH) survey. The current data are based on the first survey collected from August 2021 to February 2022. As additional surveys are collected, more data will be added to this tool. The next survey collection is scheduled for late 2023.
Our goal for this tool is to help health officials and decision makers (1) understand the health and well-being of West Virginians, (2) identify unmet needs and service gaps, and (3) better allocate health resources within the state. This page introduces and highlights a few key areas of interest, focusing on behavioral health, substance use, and other health indicators of adults living in non-group housing (18+ years old). To start exploring the data, select “Summarize Data'' to access the data summary or “Analyze Associations” to run a statistical computation.
Comparison to the American Community Survey
Age, Race/Ethnicity, Education, and Household Income
How does the state of West Virginia compare to the United States as a whole? Here you can see a comparison between the MATCH Survey data and the American Community Survey (ACS) national level data. This section highlights a few key demographics on Age, Race/Ethnicity, Education, and Household Income. You can explore more with the data through the “Summarize Data” and “Analyze Associations” capabilities.
* Note: Survey data are weighted.
Healthcare Access
Insurance Coverage
Do you have any kind of health insurance coverage, including private health insurance or government plans such as Medicare or Medicaid?
1,304,203 (93.4%)
People are covered with health insurance
91,609 (6.6%)
People are NOT covered with health insurance
Insurance Coverage
What kinds of health insurance or healthcare coverage do you have?
*This variable was recoded to account for missing or skipped responses.
Reasons for Not Seeking Healthcare
What were the reasons why you did not get the medical care you needed in the past 12 months?
Mental Health
Mental Health Status
In general, how would you rate your overall mental health?
Suicide Risk and Mental Health
372,665 (27.5%)
People who have thought about or attempted suicide
20,266 (26.6%)
People who have thought about or attempted suicide and are NOT currently receiving counseling or therapy for mental health
Substance Use
Alcohol Binge Drinking and Drug Usage
222,085 (15.9%)
People who have had some type of binge drinking in the past 30 days (imputed)
359,880 (25.8%)
People who have used some type of drugs in the past 12 months (imputed)
Cigarette Smoking Frequency
How often do you now smoke cigarettes?
Long-term Effect from Having COVID-19
Have you experienced any long-term emotional or mental health effects that you think might be related to you having COVID-19?
Long-term Effect of Others Having COVID-19
Have you experienced any long-term emotional or mental health effects that you think might be related to a family member or friend having COVID-19?
Impacts from COVID-19
Have you or someone in your household experienced any of the following because of COVID-19?
Because of the impact of COVID-19, have you or your household done any of the following?
Overall Health
General Health Status
In general, how would you describe your health?
Health Conditions
Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider that you have any of the following conditions?
Run an Analysis
Summarize Data
The Summarize Data area gives you the ability to view the data summary on topics and variables of interest. You will be able to run an analysis to display variables in columns and stratified by rows. For categorical variables, you will see the numbers and percentages. For continuous variables, you will see medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). By adding stratification (row) variables, results for column variables will be shown by selected groups. Select “Summarize Data” to get started.
Analyze Associations
The Analyze Associations area gives you the ability to test for statistical associations between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Depending on the dependent variable and categories selected/filtered, you will be able to run an analysis to see a logistic model for logistic regression, ordinal logistic regression, or multinomial logistic regression. All results use survey weights to account for the survey design. Select “Analyze Associations” to get started.